lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Sofia Kovalévskaya

Sofia Kovalévskaya was the first major russian mathematician who contributed to analysis, differential equiations and mechanic. She was also the first woman appointed to a full professorship in Europe. 
She borned in 1850 January the 15th in Moscu, but she was grown up in Bielorussia and although she loved poety, preferred maths, she solved two important mathematical theories who lots of scientist couldn't solve in years, and published an article about astronomy.
 She died at the age of 41 in Sweden caused to neumony in 1891 February the 10th.
The lunar crater Kovalévskaya  was named like this in her honour thanks to her astronomic contributions.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015


 I've chosen this new ( The new ) because we know nothing about the space which arounds us and powerful people use that to do things like these.

Observatories such as this one in Haleakala, Hawaii, track the movements of satellites and space debris.
The government of the United States has taken the responsibility of controlling the traffic of the near space of the Earth such as: satellites, military objects or ''space junk''.
But now a new company has planned to attract useless satellites and ''space junk'' to clean the earth's orbital area. It look a nice idea, but they want to do this to help the US army to use military satellites.
And nobody knows why want them more military satellites. The USA says that they want to put more of them to be able to protect us...
I think actions like these make them easier to control us and do whatever they want with other countries. 
This article is about astronomy, but it's also connected with international politics(because it's mentioned spying between countries) and ''spacial enviroment'' beacause the US government uses this false reason to be able to spy us and steal our privacity.