jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Bio-medicine: Organ Transplants & Radiation of technology

  • One of the subjects I will talk about is organ transplants and donations.

  •   In this subsection of the biomedicine, we are investigating about the amazing,difficult and curious ways scientists develop every day to take organs such as hearts or lungs and put them in a patient who needs them.

  •  It's also trying to make head transplants for 2017, just amazing.
       Head transplant news

  • But the main theme are the common and diary transplants(difficult ones or easy ones). those which every day save people thanks to the innovations of medicine.      

  • The other point I'll take about is radiation and its effect on our health

  • radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. But radiation can affect our boyd and health in horrible and different ways which we are seeing now.
 We are exposed to radiation the whole year, but in very little portion. In our country the 80% of the radiation we receive is located in nature and our diary life, gases and more components from the ground are the principal ones, also traffic fumes, factories' ones, etc...
However, countries such as Japan are quite more poisoned with radiation and different effects appear in our bodies.This is caused by nuclear acitivity like in Fukushima, where mo re than 3000 people  have suffered from radiation diseases.
  • The main problems are cancer, diarhoea, vomits and skin problems. The radiation mainly causes problem in the tiroides, the organ which most radiation absorbs in our body, so trying to avoid these problems it's recomended to eat Iodine tablets. 

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015


Smokin affects our lives in a destructive way, it can damage us in so different ways and depending what do we smoke. Here we have different studies and cases which reveal us the problems it brings us:

Chinese men now smoke more than a third of the world's cigarettes, and 1 in 3 of all young men in China will eventually be killed by tobacco, according to new research published in The Lancet.

[A Chinese man smoking] The new study claims 1 in 3 men in China will eventually be killed by smoking.

Researchers from Oxford University in the UK, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control have found that 2 in 3 young men in China smoke, mostly starting before age 20. Unless a significant number quit, about half the smokers will be killed by their habit.
Overall adult mortality rates in China are falling, but as the adult population grows, and with it the proportion of male deaths from smoking, the annual number of tobacco-related deaths is set to rise from about 1 million in 2010 to 2 million in 2030 and 3 million in 2050.
While tobacco smoking in western countries has decreased in recent decades, cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular among young Chinese men, and the consequences are now emerging.

And the worst cases appear when babies are still developing in their mothers' wombs.
Smoking pregnant

There are another substances  which can be smoked suchs as marijuana.
The overusing of marijuana

So to avoid these all diseases and health problems, different campaigns against smoking have been developed, although not all of them are considered officials.
Let's see one of them


We can obviously see that smoking has terrible consecuences in our lifestyle and hope of life, it can even reduce our hope in 10 years.
So, don't smoke kids.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015


In the next three months, This class will be connected with bio-medicine.

This means that we are going to study our health, the scientific developments in this area and the knowledge we all have about this especific term.

In conclusion, we are spending the next three months in genetical researches, modern medicine and more and different subjects contained by the interesting world of the bio-medicine.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015


In this evaluation I have experimented how this lesson is, I thought it would be about the european situation and politics, but instead of that we have been studying the origins of Universe or Earth. It's not wrong to learn about this but i hoped to could study an artistic lesson and not a scientific one.

Anyway in my opinion my behaviour has evolved to better since the first time I came to class, and my work has been just north of awesome. The presentation i gave to my class about the origin of life resulted in success and my different scientific articles look really interesting, quite more than Nora's ones.

In conclusion, although this lesson wasn't as I expected and it's not my favourite, it's obvious that everybody can learn interesting scientific facts which happen everyday around the world

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015



                   The link below!

                          ORIGIN OF LIFE!

Perhaps life did not begin on Earth at all, but was brought here from elsewhere in space, a notion known as panspermia. For instance, rocks regularly get blasted off Mars by cosmic impacts, and a number of Martian meteorites have been found on Earth that some researchers have controversially suggested brought microbes over here, potentially making us all Martians originally. Other scientists have even suggested that life might have hitchhiked on comets from other star systems. However, even if this concept were true, the question of how life began on Earth would then only change to how life began elsewhere in space.

Instead of developing from complex molecules such as RNA, life might have begun with smaller molecules interacting with each other in cycles of reactions. These might have been contained in simple capsules akin to cell membranes, and over time more complex molecules that performed these reactions better than the smaller ones could have evolved, scenarios dubbed "metabolism-first" models, as opposed to the "gene-first" model of the "RNA world" hypothesis.

                        RNA WORLD

Nowadays DNA needs proteins in order to form, and proteins require DNA to form, so how could these have formed without each other? The answer may be RNA, which can store information like DNA, serve as an enzyme like proteins, and help create both DNA and proteins. Later DNA and proteins succeeded this "RNA world," because they are more efficient. RNA still exists and performs several functions in organisms, including acting as an on-off switch for some genes. The question still remains how RNA got here in the first place. And while some scientists think the molecule could have spontaneously arisen on Earth, others say that was very unlikely to have happened. 
Other nucleic acids other than RNA have been suggested as well, such as the more esoteric PNA or TNA.

                 CHILLY START

Ice might have covered the oceans 3 billion years ago, as the sun was about a third less luminous than it is now. This layer of ice, possibly hundreds of feet thick, might have protected fragile organic compounds in the water below from ultraviolet light and destruction from cosmic impacts. The cold might have also helped these molecules to survive longer, allowing key reactions to happen. 

                                 DEEP-SEA VENTS

The deep-sea vent theory suggests that life may have begun at submarine hydrothermal vents, spewing key hydrogen-rich molecules. Their rocky nooks could then have concentrated these molecules together and provided mineral catalysts for critical reactions. Even now, these vents, rich in chemical and thermal energy, sustain vibrant ecosystems.

             COMMUNITY CLAY
The first molecules of life might have met on clay, according to an idea elaborated by organic chemist Alexander Graham Cairns-Smith at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. These surfaces might not only have concentrated these organic compounds together, but also helped organize them into patterns much like our genes do now.
The main role of DNA is to store information on how other molecules should be arranged. Genetic sequences in DNA are essentially instructions on how amino acids should be arranged in proteins. Cairns-Smith suggests that mineral crystals in clay could have arranged organic molecules into organized patterns. After a while, organic molecules took over this job and organized themselves. 

                              ELECTRIC SPARK

Electric sparks can generate amino acids and sugars from an atmosphere loaded with water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen, as was shown in the famous Miller & Urey experiment reported in 1953, suggesting that lightning might have helped create the key building blocks of life on Earth in its early days. Over millions of years, larger and more complex molecules could form. Although research since then has revealed the early atmosphere of Earth was actually hydrogen-poor, scientists have suggested that volcanic clouds in the early atmosphere might have held methane, ammonia and hydrogen and been filled with lightning as well.

There are quite a lot theories which are also really important in the science world suchs we are able to see in the last pages.

Anyway nobody knows certainly how life in Earth appeared so the only thing we can do is to choose a theory and try to defend it with scientific researches.


lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Sofia Kovalévskaya

Sofia Kovalévskaya was the first major russian mathematician who contributed to analysis, differential equiations and mechanic. She was also the first woman appointed to a full professorship in Europe. 
She borned in 1850 January the 15th in Moscu, but she was grown up in Bielorussia and although she loved poety, preferred maths, she solved two important mathematical theories who lots of scientist couldn't solve in years, and published an article about astronomy.
 She died at the age of 41 in Sweden caused to neumony in 1891 February the 10th.
The lunar crater Kovalévskaya  was named like this in her honour thanks to her astronomic contributions.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015


 I've chosen this new ( The new ) because we know nothing about the space which arounds us and powerful people use that to do things like these.

Observatories such as this one in Haleakala, Hawaii, track the movements of satellites and space debris.
The government of the United States has taken the responsibility of controlling the traffic of the near space of the Earth such as: satellites, military objects or ''space junk''.
But now a new company has planned to attract useless satellites and ''space junk'' to clean the earth's orbital area. It look a nice idea, but they want to do this to help the US army to use military satellites.
And nobody knows why want them more military satellites. The USA says that they want to put more of them to be able to protect us...
I think actions like these make them easier to control us and do whatever they want with other countries. 
This article is about astronomy, but it's also connected with international politics(because it's mentioned spying between countries) and ''spacial enviroment'' beacause the US government uses this false reason to be able to spy us and steal our privacity.