lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

My part For Ali

The process to crate the guide has been the following:

I have created an entry to write the different problems and questions about climate change an european union.
After choosing them for each of my partners, I have received a sole link(useless team) and now I'm supposed to do all the **** guide.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016


I'm supposed to search for different information and web pages.
Once I have done that, assigning each web or different themes to my partners will be the second part.
After all my partners have chosen the most important part they have to investigate, they should give me that info back so I can make a guide with those links and webs.

NGO: wwf, amigosdelatierra, greenpeace

In the last years the term ''Climate chnage'' has gained a big importance. An importance european union has seen, that's why it has been tried to develop theories, look at the impacts it has, creates NGOs and different policies.

In web pages such as or we can find the various theories about climate change and the effects and impacts it creates in our planet.




Here there are some NGOs which help to preserve the enviroment and wild nature of our planet:

In webs like these ones we can watch how the climate change effects affect the enviroment.

As most of us will now, the EU has taken part in the fight against the climate change, here there are the policies and measures it has taken

Organism: Xabin

The european citizens do also take part in the movement to save our enviroment, look at their actions and how do they help(click on different subpages).

lunes, 4 de abril de 2016


I'm supposed to do a guide which will link all the work my partners are supposed to do.
Lets's begin...
-guide about the climatic change and european union's ''contribution''.

internet data base(info from google)

foundations, organisations, effects, governments' actions against it.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

New term: ICT and those things

If what I have understood is correct, this term we are speaking about computers, ICT and those kind of things.
If that's the case, I hope we aren't all day using blogger to create new entrances and instead, use more interesting and useful apps and programs.
Anyway, anything must be better to do here than taking language or maths lessons.
So as I have just published in the last entrance, I'm not going to complain about the subjects we are speaking about.
but it's true I'd like to go to more places as the other class do.

But the most important fact of the term is the possibility of earning 500 euros!

So please if in a hardly impossible reality, we win the first prize,  give that money to our parents so I have a perfect summer


Another autoevaluation

I think this term's subject hasn't been as interesting as the third one i expect it will.
Anyway I have only 2 sevens in my marks.
Scientific culture and Physical education, so I guess the term has benefited me in comparation with other subjects.
In conclusion, although I'm not amazingly interested in science, different type of medicinies, documentaries and the easy exam, has resulted to make Scientific culture an acceptable subject.

lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016


Which of the ''wars'' that are happening right now are ''REAL WARS''?

It's correct to say that most of the conflicts the World have suffered in the last decades have been created in a situation where a BIG BULLY country or culture such as United States decides to attack a more little and weak nation in order to get benefits from them although thousands of lives are lost.
This is definetly the definition of war i would choose to talk about it, a big country with more weapons and soldiers attacking another smaller one and calling them terrorists in the news to have the support of other countries while they steal and kill the small country's citizens.

But although this all I have spoken about is the blue true, in this day and age there is a real type of war.
The civil war, which are happening in this right moment in lots of countries and places such as Sierra Leona or Syria (Asia and Africa above all).
These wars are ''affecting'' the whole World since The most o the countries in the World aggried to help each other in war times, but Europe for example, avoids helping syrian people and justify racism against them after the bomb in Paris,
now everyone think WE shouldn't help refugees so most of governments just don't let them in, as if they were a sickness.
The only thing we gain by doing this is more tension, and by consequence, more war and violence.

We all are infected by the biggest problem of the history of the Human Kind


lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016


A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.

The term refugee was started to use to refer these people after having passed through a huge polemic the word ''migrant'' caused.
Migrant is used to refer a person who moves from a country to other with total freedom.
However, the refugees are people who need help, they escape from they homes horrorized by wars or catastrophes.
Acutally, the most well known case of refugees, is the case of syrian refugees, who are trying to run away from Syria to Europe. Although they are havin problems with quite lots of countries which don't accept them.

 As we have seen, the refugees' treatment is horrible, police and governments look at them as inhuman things, as if they were animals.
That's why they don't receive help and why the racism is increasing. If we don't change our point of view, we won't help not onlye syrian refugees, but also the thousands of refugees who are suffering right now in different areas of the world such as Africa, South America or Asia.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016


Nowadays more and more people is consuming drugs.
One of the most addictive, dangerous and problematic one is the cocaine.

Cocaine is a drug which make effect inmediatly, causing hyperactivity. The effects disappear in some minutes, but secondary effects such as insomnio can last hours.
In little doses cocaine makes as sense euphoria and energy, also make us stay alert.
However in high doses it also affects us psicologically, producing violent and strange behaviours,craving and another psiquiatric problems which can affect our personality in a very destructive way.

the problem is that quite a lot of people start consuming it in little doses because it's believed cocaine help us to be more productive.
This idea is completly false, cocaine gives us a temporary energetical sense, which will disappear after a few minutes or hours, making us feel more tired.
In conclusion, it helps us to ignore that our body si asking for rest, having as consecuence high tireness and fatigue.

This is an example of how the addiction of cocaine can destroy our life easily in some years.

Curiosities about cocaine