- One of the subjects I will talk about is organ transplants and donations.
- In this subsection of the biomedicine, we are investigating about the amazing,difficult and curious ways scientists develop every day to take organs such as hearts or lungs and put them in a patient who needs them.
- It's also trying to make head transplants for 2017, just amazing.
- But the main theme are the common and diary transplants(difficult ones or easy ones). those which every day save people thanks to the innovations of medicine.
- The other point I'll take about is radiation and its effect on our health
- radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. But radiation can affect our boyd and health in horrible and different ways which we are seeing now.
However, countries such as Japan are quite more poisoned with radiation and different effects appear in our bodies.This is caused by nuclear acitivity like in Fukushima, where mo re than 3000 people have suffered from radiation diseases.
- The main problems are cancer, diarhoea, vomits and skin problems. The radiation mainly causes problem in the tiroides, the organ which most radiation absorbs in our body, so trying to avoid these problems it's recomended to eat Iodine tablets.